Festival season is about to begin and we are heading to Palm Springs to open our year. 2016 was a challenging year with Diana having back surgery in May and me having shoulder surgery in August, but all things considered, we’re both doing pretty darn well. Diana’s been tearing up some bike spin classes and I’m finally back on my bicycle too.
The show in Palm Springs is completely sold out so it should be a full house and we can’t wait to get down there. Last year was a load of fun and this year’s talent lineup is wide-ranging and deep. Lots of our favorite friends and performers are scheduled to be there. It’s nice and warm in Palm Springs right now, so hopefully it will stay that way and we can party and play by the pool.
Well be heading down in a few days with five brand new ukuleles that will make their public debuts at the show. It’ll be Keystone country, with a total of 7 of our signature-shaped Keystone ukuleles. Diana will be traveling with me this time which will make the long drive down I-5 a lot nicer and she’ll be with me in the booth. Be sure to stop by the booth and say, “Hello.”
- James Hill & Anne Janelle
- Jack & the Vox
- Stuart Fuchs
- Michael Powers
- Abe Lagrimas, Jr.
- Peter Luongo & The Luongo Ukulele Experience
- Jason Arimoto
- Jim D’Ville
- Julie Holloman
- Dani Joy Herreid