Dec 28, 2014 | FEATURED, sound samples
This song, “Cognitive Dissonance” is an original composition written and performed by brudduh Jion Jugo from Roseville,...
Aug 17, 2013 | FEATURED, sound samples
Michael Powers stopped by our both at the 2013 Reno Ukulele Festival and took the “Cthukulele” iUbass for a test drive. He played it for a few minutes and then asked us if we’d bring it to his show that night in the Orozko Lounge in the Nugget Hotel...
Aug 17, 2013 | sound samples
Doug Reynolds plays “Pirates of the Caribean” on ukulele “Mindy” Mindy is a 5-string Keystone tenor. In this video the ukulele is amplified. And another clip: Smile when you play that!